SRC RRID and How to Cite
Basic RRID Information
Stanford Research Computing (SRC) provides an official Research Resource Identifier (RRID) to researchers. There are numerous reasons for using an RRID in your publication(s), including:
- When research processes are hardware-specific, including an RRID can promote reproducible results.
- It's an easy way for you to acknowledge the role our systems play in your research.
- When you do cite SRC or our systems in your papers, it helps us with reporting, requesting funds, and, in-turn, providing more services for you!
The umbrella RRID for SRC is RRID:SCR_025708. You can check out our resource page here. We may add additional RRIDs in the future for specific clusters, services, etc., but for now, the umbrella ID should work for most purposes.
Example Citations
Below you can find sample citations for many popular citation styles. Feel free to use and amend as needed:
APA (7th Edition)
In-text citation:
Researchers utilized Stanford Research Computing resources (RRID:SCR_025708) to gather necessary data.
Bibliographic citation:
RRID:SCR_025708. (2023). Stanford Research Computing. Retrieved from…
MLA (8th Edition)
In-text citation:
The findings were corroborated using information from Stanford Research Computing (RRID:SCR_025708).
Bibliographic citation:
RRID:SCR_025708. "Stanford Research Computing." 2023,….
Chicago (Author-Date, 17th Edition)
In-text citation:
The study's methodology was enhanced by the resources of Stanford Research Computing (RRID:SCR_025708).
Bibliographic citation:
RRID:SCR_025708. 2023. "Stanford Research Computing." Accessed October 5, 2023.….
Chicago (Notes and Bibliography, 17th Edition)
In-text citation (Footnote):
The comprehensive data analysis was supported by resources from Stanford Research Computing.¹
1. RRID:SCR_025708, "Stanford Research Computing," 2023,….
Bibliographic citation:
RRID:SCR_025708. "Stanford Research Computing." 2023.….
In-text citation:
The dataset was gathered through resources from Stanford Research Computing resource [1].
Bibliographic citation:
[1] RRID:SCR_025708, "Stanford Research Computing," 2023. [Online]. Available:…. [Accessed: October 5, 2023].
In-text citation:
The critical insights were obtained through resources from Stanford Research Computing (1).
Bibliographic citation:
1. RRID:SCR_025708. Stanford Research Computing. 2023. Available from:….
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