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If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for below, please submit a support ticket by emailing us:
All Systems
- User Guide
- Shared Computing Environment (UNIX) Documentation (on the UIT website)
- Slack channels (instructions on the Support via Slack Channels page)
- #farmshare-announce
Announcements related to Farmshare and its services. - #farmshare-users
Discussions among the community of Farmshare users.
- #farmshare-announce
- Slack channels (instructions on the Support via Slack Channels page)
- #nero-announce
Announcements related to Nero and its services. - #nero-users
Discussions among the community of Nero users.
- #nero-announce
- Oak Storage Service Documentation and FAQ (on the UIT website)
- Slack channels (instructions on the Support via Slack Channels page)
- #oak-announce
Announcements related to Oak and its services. - #oak-users
Discussions among the community of Oak users.
- #oak-announce
- Related
SCG (Genomics)
- Documentation (SRCC’s SCG Cluster Website)
- Slack channels (instructions on the Support via Slack Channels page)
- #scg-announce
Announcements related to SCG and its services. - #scg-users
Discussions among the community of SCG users. - #scg-office-hours
SCG office hours happen every two weeks, in this Slack channel. Hours are announced in advance at #scg-announce. - #scg-software-requests
A place to ask for software to be installed on SCG.
- #scg-announce
- Documentation (on Sherlock Docs website)
- Quick start (on Sherlock Docs website)
- Transfering Data (on Sherlock Docs website)
- Submitting Jobs (on the Sherlock Docs website)
- Slack channels (instructions on the Support via Slack Channels page)
- #sherlock-announce
Announcements related to Sherlock and its services. - #sherlock-users
Discussions among the community of Sherlock users.
- #sherlock-announce
Yen (GSB)
- Cluster website/documentation (managed by GSB)