Systems Overview
Below is a representative sample of the types of systems that we manage and support. Some are owned by individual PIs or groups, for the use of their research teams; others are truly campus-wide offerings. If you are interested in having Research Computing manage or host your servers, or if you are interested in investing in new equipment for the Sherlock cluster, please contact us at
Systems information is also available on the Compute Clusters and HPC Platforms and Getting Started on our HPC Systems pages.

Oak is Stanford's premiere long-term data storage platform for research data. Oak is available in increments of 10TB or 250TB, priced to be competitive with cloud storage options. Start with as few as 10TB and scale up effortlessly as needed. With tight integration to world-class HPC resources like the Sherlock cluster, you can consolidate your data storage pipeline while saving time and costs. In addition, a variety of network file sharing protocols are available to meet your needs.

Carina Computing Platform
Carina leverages a modern private cloud environment (Carina On-Prem) to address the significant demand for a secured computational environment to work with PHI and other high risk data at scale.
Carina is available to any team led by a researcher with Principal Investigator privileges at Stanford (e.g.: faculty, or researchers with a PI waiver) working exclusively with high-risk data.

The Stanford Genomics Cluster
The Stanford Genomics Cluster is available to members of the Genomics research community at Stanford. With scientific support from the Genetics Bioinformatics Service Center (GBSC) and system administration from Stanford Research Computing, the SCG cluster uses a charge-back model to provide access to a wide array of bioinformatics tools, techniques and scientific support expertise. It has approximately 4600 compute cores and 9PB of usable storage.